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AI News: A Selfie is Worth a Thousand Words

What if… the selfies and comments your customers post revealed their personality types? 

And what if… Selfies and comments fans post about shows revealed their personality types as well?  

And, what if…AI could predict the shows your ideal consumers engage and how to speak to them? 

Yeah… we did that! 

Here’s the thing. When we post a comment, rate, or review a product, or fan-follow a show on social media — our selfies are often right there. But can those selfies reveal a personality type? That’s the first question I posed to Greg Cynaumon, Ph.D., a Doctor of Psychology, and CEO of ADcology — the ad agency and co-developer behind Consumer Match. And it turns out…. yes it can.

“I couldn’t have been more skeptical when our lead scientist approached me with their new AI product that produces a psychologist-quality detailed personality profile from a selfie. I was a huge fan of clinical personality tests (DISC, Myers-Briggs and Big Five) from my practice days, but a selfie? I doubted it but agreed to the test.”

According to Dr. Greg, the results were staggering. The AI is based on phenotyping — a proven genetic science that analyzes hundreds of data points in facial characteristics (eye spacing, mouth to chin distance, eyebrow curvature, forehead, etc. etc.). 

Then it analyzes and matches those datapoints to 36 combinations of known personality types with shocking accuracy. “In 60 seconds, the AI produced a detailed personality profile that was 85-90% spot on accurate. And it did it anonymously. That’s groundbreaking because standardized psychological testing is expensive, long and laborious and it always comes with bias from the test taker. Better still, this new AI doesn’t look at (or care about) personal information — just facial features and words used in the posting. That insures confidentiality.”

That’s when the Doctor’s agency, ADcology customized the AI tech for marketers. “It’s one thing to know your customer demographics. The far greater advantage is knowing how they think, feel, speak, and respond — and where to find look-alike personality types across media. We found multiple cases where advertisers were only reaching a fraction of the target audience because they were focused in the wrong media. Even worse, they employed creative that was so personality type opposite that it would literally turn off certain new customer’s personalities.”

In the final analysis, ADcology found that reshaping their client’s media strategies and creative produced a 30+% conversion lift and dramatically increased ROAS.

“Your customer’s selfies are a goldmine of actionable data that will change how you find and speak to new customers,” Cynaumon concluded. “If you run media campaigns, send us your selfie (or someone you know) and we’ll surprise you with a detailed personality profile.”  

Email your confidential selfie to: [email protected]