A yellow sign that says " epic fail ".

Stop Paying Your Agency For Failed Media

The days of AD agencies receiving fees and commissions for failed media tests are gone.

During a recent gathering of radio broadcasters, podcasters, and YouTube influencers in Orange County, California, Greg Cynuamon, Ph.D. and founder of ADcology, announced a groundbreaking new commission: reducing, or even eliminating, policy for all test campaigns starting January 1, 2024.

“Historically, the agency world charges fees and commissions for a clients’ test campaign. And if it fails, the agency takes its fees and commissions and moves forward. But what about the company? A failed media test can be devastating to future investment, company morale, and business strategy. The bottom line is that we think it’s absurd to expect fees and commissions for test campaigns that underperform to the client’s goals. We’re starting a new era of agency accountability for our clients goals, including providing free services and reducing or eliminating commissions during defined media test periods.â€

Dr. Greg estimates nearly half of the products and services that enter media tests fail to advance to rollout due mainly to three entirely solvable problems:

1. The agency failed to understand the customer’s personality profiles before spending a dime of the advertisers money.

2. Agency retainers and commissions strangled the company’s ROI.

3. Poorly negotiated media rates

Dr. Greg believes that ADcology has become a ‘go to’ partner in the podcast, TV+Connected TV, radio, digital video, and industry due to its new AI technology that behaviorally profiles a businesses’ ideal customer (with just a selfie) and then matches that profile to audience profiles. 

“We provide tour AI profiling platform and write matching creative at no cost to our clients. We’ve also eliminated fees, retainers and gone to month-to-month agreements instead of traditional long-term contracts. From Dollar Shave Club to 23andMe, we’ve always believed in doing whatever it takes to create massively successful and scalable campaigns for our clients. So providing additional free services is just another next step in focus on client success and accountability.